New York Medley Music Video (2021)
4min 51sec English
Writer Sigal Erez
Director Sigal Erez
Producer Danny Knust, Erez Safar
NEW YORK MEDLEY: HOW ABOUT YOU / MANHATTAN / AUTUMN IN NEW YORK Judy Whitmore, Vocalist Featuring: Billy Grubman, Guest Vocalist "How About You" Music by Burton Lane, Words by Ralph Freed. ©1941 Leo Feist, Inc.(ASCAP), c/o Sony/ATV Music Publishing "Manhattan" Music by Richard Rodgers, Words by Lorenz Hart. ©1925 Williamson Music Company (ASCAP) c/o Concord Music Publishing, and Piedmont Music Company (ASCAP) c/o Round Hill Carlin, LLC "Autumn in New York" Words and Music by Vernon Duke ©1934 Kay Duke Music c/o Music Sales Corporation (ASCAP) c/o Wise Music Publishing Used by Permission. Arranged and orchestrated by John Sawoski. Produced by John Sawoski and Michael Patterson.